Kalahari Rose Naturals

Hydrate - Piel seca y sensible

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Presentamos la Crema Facial de Kalahari Rose, la última solución para las pieles secas y sensibles. Esta crema de lujo ha sido especialmente formulada con ingredientes naturales que hidratan y nutren la piel en profundidad, dejándola suave, tersa y fresca. Gracias a nuestra exclusiva mezcla de ingredientes, está libre de productos químicos agresivos y fragancias, haciéndola lo suficientemente suave incluso para las pieles más sensibles.

Despídase de la piel seca e irritada y disfrute de un cutis radiante y sano con nuestra crema de formulación especializada. Pruébela ahora y compruebe usted mismo la diferencia.

Ideal para: Piel seca y sensible
{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Estimula la producción de colágeno nuevo y retinol, antienvejecimiento, mejora considerablemente la textura de la piel, hidratación profunda, aporta vitaminas A, B, B1, B2, B6, C, P y K para ayudar a la renovación y reparación de la piel, restablece la firmeza, ayuda a restaurar la piel mediante omegas 3,5,6 y 9 rejuvenecedores, hipoalergénico"}]}]}

Aplicar sobre la piel limpia y seca. Aplicar en rostro, cuello y escote. Utilizar mañana y noche según sea necesario.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Victoria Adams
Happy Hydration

I absolutely love this product! I have never been a skin care person before I discovered this wonder skin care line. After using this for almost a year, I can say it has changed my life and my respect for proper skin care. Each time I use it I smile because it feels so good and I know I am doing the very best to care for my aging skin. My skin is naturally dry and this hydrate formula has made my skin feel smooth and completely hydrated. There are no chemicals or additives so the natural ingredients can actually sink in and I can feel the difference. Other creams may have additives that sit on the top of your skin but only give you the illusion of real hydration. This formula does sink in so each day you use it, you will use less because your skin is already hydrated. I can't imagine using anything else and is well worth the cost. This cream will last a long time and you will be thrilled with the results. Happy Customer!

Tamara Gibo
Winter moisturizer!

My skin has been super sensitive and irritable this year. I am loving this line and have found the extra moisturizing benefits of this formula really help. I almost look like I have my summer skin back! THANK YOU!

Christina Podegracz

I’m so in love with this face cream, the smell is divine, and my skin sucks it up!

Natural and Non-oily

This face cream is great. I love how my face feels hydrated without that oily feeling a lot of face creams have. It has a great natural smell. I don't feel like I'm rubbing perfume chemicals on my face. It is quality cream that is great for my skin and leaves my face feeling amazing.

Becca L.
Total Game Changer

I LOVE THIS. I have incredibly dry, sensitive skin and this is by far the best moisturizer I have ever used. It hydrates my face without making it feel oily. Noticed a difference after just a week!

Hi Becca, we are thrilled that you love the Hydrate Face Cream! Thank you for your kind review and support!

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